In 1968, our previous representative, the now-departed Naomi Iwase, started this company as a sole proprietorship with a single used 2 ton truck, and eventually built it into the current Iwase Transportation, Inc. Looking back on those times, our predecessor gave the following account.
“After finishing our work for the day, all of our employees would gather to clean our workplace using brooms and dustpans, collecting the garbage into bags to be taken home. And finally, we would end things with a ceremony of respect to show our gratitude towards our customers before leaving the workplace. This was our regular custom. I would be the one to lead the efforts in cleaning and paying our respects, and whether day or night, would continue to throw myself into work, visit our customers every day without fail, and dedicated myself to expanding our business.”
And when our beliefs were put into words, expressed as “a thoughtful heart, to value our customers’ perspectives,” they became our corporate philosophy.
If I were to express this philosophy in my own words, it would be to say that “our customers come first,” and it is something I say all the time to our employees.
I believe that this means that above all we must consider all matters from the perspective of our customers, act on them accordingly, and even when we may be unsure of what to do in a situation, to always prioritize “what it means to the customer, and for everyone of us to think about that, even down to the rank and file of our staff.
It has always been the way of this world that companies that work to fulfill what their customers desire will succeed, and that complacent companies will decline. By dedicating ourselves to this position, as a result I believe we have been able to adapt to the currently severe times and changes in the world.
And so, by thinking from the point of view of our customers, we have now, more than ever, been able to maintain and improve our management foundation, and polish and refine our technology to higher levels.
I sincerely hope that we can continue to receive your loyal patronage and support.